Tokyo Real Estate News & Information

Tokyo's Property Market & Useful Tips for Property Owners

Stay informed on Tokyo land prices, redevelopment projects, taxes on Japanese real estate, real estate terms, and more. We provide useful news and information especially for foreigners (non-residents) interested in buying, selling, and owning properties in Tokyo.

Amendment of Japan’s Real Property Registration Act

To make inheritance registration of land ownership and change of owner address become mandatory in Japan  Registration of inheritance and change of address of real estate ownership will be mandatory (to be enforced by 2024). After the amendment is in effect, failure to do such duties without good r…

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Webinar Announcement: Renting Homes in Japan

On November 29 (Tuesday), 2022 at 6:00 PM, Sumie Nakamura of PLAZA HOMES, Ltd. will give a talk on "Renting Homes in Japan" at an online seminar hosted by Real Estate Japan. Content of the Lecture ・Greeting your new neighbors ・Is it ok if I make holes to hang things on my apartment walls? ・Is it po…

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How can Foreigners Purchase Real Estate in Japan?

Expat Expo Tokyo, the third annual event for foreigners living in Japan, will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center in Hamamatsucho on Friday, November 25 and Saturday, November 26, 2022. PLAZA HOMES will be presenting a seminar on real estate at the event space in the venue, an…

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Standard Land Price for Tokyo in 2022 - Turned to 2% Rise in the Commercial Areas, High Increase in the suburbs of Central Tokyo

On September 20th, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the standard land prices for their selected points nationwide. On the same day, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government also announced the land prices of their selected locations in Tokyo. The standard land price (*l…

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How to select an Earthquake-Resistant Building - Quake-proof Capability and Value of Real Estate

When purchasing real estate in Japan, an earthquake-prone country, many people may be concerned about the risk of building collapse and damage due to earthquakes. Especially in recent years, we have experienced major earthquakes such as the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and the Kumamoto Ear…

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Buying Japanese Property from Overseas

For foreigners wanting to purchase real estate property in Japan–but do not live in Japan–it can be very difficult to deal with the various procedures required to purchase property within the period of their stay in Japan. Such procedures include the previewing of properties (houses), applying for…

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What is Real Estate Notary? Real Estate Agent License in Japan

Real estate companies in Japan have staff who with the national qualification called Real Estate Notary / Real Estate Transaction Agent(宅地建物取引士), more than 1 out of 5 of all employees. Those who are qualified as Real Estate Notary have a broad knowledge of real estate transactions and should, by al…

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Webinar Announcement: How to Get a Housing Loan in Japan

On August 20 (Saturday), 2022 at 11:00 AM, Kenji Kubo of PLAZA HOMES, Ltd. will give a talk on "How to Get a Housing Loan in Japan: Guide for Home Buyers" at an online seminar hosted by Real Estate Japan. Content of the Lecture Interest RateTax Benefits and deductionsHow to buy a home in JapanPrope…

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Earthquake Countermeasures for Buildings in Japan

In earthquake-prone Japan, we have been working on earthquake countermeasures for buildings for many years based on past earthquake experiences. Currently, huge earthquakes such as a Nankai Trough Earthquake and Tokyo Inland Earthquake are predicted throughout Japan. The Japanese Government is prom…

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Land Use Zones under the City Planning Law in Japan

Land Use Zones (用途地域) are areas that are regulated under the City Planning Law (都市計画法) and designates the possible usage of land and properties in that area. This system is to realize an effective placement of buildings in accord with each area environment, avoiding mixed and disorderly land usage…

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