Tokyo Real Estate News & Information

Tokyo's Property Market & Useful Tips for Property Owners

Stay informed on Tokyo land prices, redevelopment projects, taxes on Japanese real estate, real estate terms, and more. We provide useful news and information especially for foreigners (non-residents) interested in buying, selling, and owning properties in Tokyo.

Japan’s Real Estate Market in 2021-2022 – Annual Summary & Projections

This article is provided by Mr. Ziv Nakajima-Magen - Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific Nippon Tradings International (NTI) When Crisis Becomes the Norm If 2021 has done anything, as far as the global Covid-19 pandemic is concerned, it’s to drive home the fact that the “new normal” is al…

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Housing Loan Tax Exemption – Revision in fiscal 2022

The eligibility period for housing loan tax exemption has been extended for 4 years, while the deduction rate has been reduced to 0.7%. (Fiscal Year 2022 Tax Reform Outline released on Dec.10, 2021)  Housing Loan Tax Exemption – What will change and how? “Housing Loan Tax Exemption” is the system t…

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Withholding tax on real estate sales by Non-residents

When a real estate property in Japan owned by a non-resident or a foreign corporation is sold, to prevent omission of report on income tax, the person who purchases and pays for the property has to pay the equivalent amount of the income tax withheld upon the transaction to the local taxation offic…

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Webinar Announcement: "How to Sell Your Home in Japan - Whether You're Living in Japan or Overseas"

On January 15 (Saturday), 2022 at 11:00 AM, Kenji Kubo of PLAZA HOMES, Ltd. will give a talk on "How to Sell Your Home in Japan - Whether You're Living in Japan or Overseas" at an online seminar hosted by Real Estate Japan. Content of the Lecture PLAZA HOMES  ・When is the best time to sell real e…

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Selling property in Japan as a foreigner

In Japan, foreigners can buy and sell real estate, and the procedures and taxes imposed on such selling and buying are not very different from those of Japanese people. In recent years, the number of real estate sales transactions by foreigners, including overseas investors, has been increasing, so…

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What is the definition of a “Jiko Bukken” property? Guidelines for Disclosure of a Death that Occurred in a House

What is the definition of a “Jiko Bukken” property? You may have heard before, but often do not know well. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has recently released “Guidelines for Disclosure of a Death that Occurred in a House by a Real Estate Broker”.These guidelines are m…

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Seminar - Buying and Selling Real Estate for Foreigners in Japan

PLAZA HOMES presented a lecture on "Buying and Selling Real Estate for Foreigners in Japan" at Expat Expo Tokyo 2021. The presentation covers topics such as buying a property in Japan, mortgages, popular areas, taxes, and comparisons with renting.   For Foreigners, How to Buy / Sell Real Estate in…

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How to Sell Your Home in Japan for More Money

For smooth sales of your real estate property in better terms, it is important for you to understand the flow of a real estate sales transaction and prepare for your actual transaction in advance. For those who are considering selling a real estate property in Japan, we here show some tips to sell…

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What is Renunciation of Inheritance? About the deadlines and procedures

There are 3 types of “inheritance” methods in Japan, which are unconditional acceptance, limited acceptance, and renunciation of inheritance. Here is an explanation about renunciation of inheritance.   Unconditional acceptance: To inherit all the rights and obligations of an ancestor, which means i…

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Standard Land Price for Tokyo in 2021 - Decline for the first time in 9 years in the commercial areas

On September 21st, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the standard land prices for their selected points nationwide. On the same day, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government also announced the land prices of their selected locations in Tokyo. The standard land price (*l…

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