Japan General

Basic Information of Japan for Expats

Gathered here is a collection of basic information useful to expats who currently live in Japan, or are planning to live in Japan. 

Japan is an easier and more convenient place to live in than you might think. Once you know how things work and what to do, your life in Japan will become stress-free and enjoyable. Our guides cover such things as Money, National Holidays, the My Number System, Age Restrictions, Furniture and Appliances, English TV in Japan, and more.

Cost of Living in Japan

Prices have been rising for a long time in countries all over the world, and this is also the case in Japan. In this article, you will find the Consumer Price Index and retail prices in Japan. It would be interesting to compare them with prices in your country or to convert them to your own currency…

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Taxes in Japan: Filing Japanese Income Tax in Japan

For many foreign residents living in Japan it’s possible that the confusion and hours or research spent in filing Japanese taxes are negligible since their companies file on their behalf. However, if 1) you’re self-employed, 2) your company happens to be based overseas, or 3) your company doesn’t p…

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Japanese National Holiday Calendar

Like all countries, Japan has a number of unique national holidays that range from those commemorating historically significant dates to religious festivals. We have prepared a list of all of the major ones along with relevant traditions and things to be aware of for each one. The 2021 Japanese…

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Money in Japan: Banknotes and Coins

Despite growth of credit card and e-money use in Japan, you will still find yourself paying by cash in some occasions in your day to day life. It's surprising to many that there are still some restaurants and stores which will not accept credit cards as a form of payment. Japanese currency is quite…

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Bringing Medication to Japan: What to Know Before You Travel

Japan has strict rules on bringing medication to Japan. Be sure to read our guide before you travel with or import medicine from foreign countries into Japan.

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Japan Consumption Tax Hike 2019: How it Will Affect You

Fall is the season of change — leaves turn red, frost descends, and winter coats start to emerge from storage. This year, however, will bring more than just cozy sweatshirts, as Japan’s government is set to increase the consumption tax to 10% (an increase of 2%) beginning October 1, 2019. With a ve…

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An expat's advice on food, culture, and cost of living in Japan

This article is written from the point of view of a UK expat and has information that can be helpful to those new to Japan. On the 7th of January 2017, my partner and I moved from a small coastal town in the UK to a town in Itabashi, Tokyo called Tokiwadai. We’ve always loved Japan and wanted to see…

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Japan’s Residency Management System for Foreign Nationals

If you're moving to Japan, one thing you definitely need to be aware of is what's called the "Residency Management System". This is what the Immigration Bureau of Japan calls their system for tracking the residency of foreigners in Japan.  Short Term Residents If you are staying in Japan for les…

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The My Number System in Japan and what it means for non-Japanese

Every citizen in Japan has an Individual Number (called My Number). We would like to provide guidance especially for mid and long term foreign residents in Japan, regarding the “My Number” system. About Foreign Residents A “My Number” will be issued to all registered residents who have a residen…

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Japan's National Pension System

What Is the Japan National Pension System and How Does It Work? While Japan offers many protections for working residents, often times the rules are confusing and circular; and with much of the paperwork in complex Japanese, it can be difficult for expats to understand. Whether deducted from you…

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