
These articles contain information that will be useful for those wanting to invest in real estate in Japan. Here we explain how to choose an investment property, how to manage an investment property, things to be careful of when managing assets, real estate market information, and income taxes for non-residents in Japan.

Property Investment For Foreigners: Japan's Earthquakes & Other Natural Disasters

The following is an excerpt from "Japan Real Estate Property Investment For Foreigners Part 2" by Ziv Nakajima-Magen – Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific Nippon Tradings International (NTI) Q: Japan is extremely susceptible to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcano…

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Property Investment For Foreigners: Japan’s Debt & Demographics Issues

The following is an excerpt from "Japan Real Estate Property Investment For Foreigners Part 2" by Ziv Nakajima-Magen – Partner & Executive Manager, Asia-Pacific Nippon Tradings International (NTI) Q: It’s no secret that Japan is struggling with the impact of aging demographics – in fact, it’s…

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Taxes in Japan: Filing Japanese Income Tax in Tokyo

For many foreign residents living in Japan it’s possible that the confusion and hours or research spent in filing Japanese taxes are negligible since their companies file on their behalf. However, if 1) you’re self-employed, 2) your company happens to be based overseas, or 3) your company doesn’t…

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Accounting in Tokyo: Bilingual Accounting & Consulting Firms

Whether you are filing individual tax returns or hoping to establish a new business, financial issues can be complicated. These difficulties will no doubt be compounded upon moving to a country like Japan, where you will face the intricacies of a different financial system on top of linguistic and…

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How to Start a Business in Japan

For those who already have an established company abroad and would like to expand their business to Japan, there are 3 types of operations you can choose from to incorporate your business. You can either establish a Representative Office, a Branch Office, or a Subsidiary Company. In Japan, a Repre…

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Individual VS Corporate Investment Property Ownership

Should you register your Japanese investment property under your own name, or under a corporate structure? What are the advantages or disadvantages of both options? How about tax implications? Accessibility to financing? Below is the transcript of an interview we conducted on our PodCast, with Mr S…

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Restoration and cleaning fee when moving out of rental housing in Japan

How much of the deposit will be refunded when vacating a rental apartment? The Lease contracts used when renting housing have a clause defining the restoration requirements for a property when moving out. Most contracts will state that “the lessee shall restore the leased property to it's origina…

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Ordinary Lease Contract vs. Fixed-term Lease Contract

When renting out a real estate property to a lessee or renting from a lessor, you have the choice using either an “Ordinary Lease Contract” or a “Fixed-term Lease Contract” when making a contract. The “Act on Land and Building Leases” provides guidelines for midterm cancellations and contract rene…

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Income Tax on Rental Real Estate Income

The income received when renting out a real estate property in Japan is counted as part of your taxable income. It may seem frustrating at first if you don't know where to ask or how things are calculated. Here in this easy to follow guide, we will explain what rental income taxes can affect real es…

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Tokyo’s New Special Zone for Corporate Asian Headquarters

The Japanese Government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government are aiming to attract and integrate prospective industries and foreign companies to strategic areas in Japan. These areas are called the “Special Zone for Asian Headquarters” - foreign companies which register their headquarters in these…

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