Settling-In in Japan

Expat guides for before and at the time of move-in

Once you have decided on your new home, there are various tasks remaining to complete before you can start your new life in Tokyo. You will need a cell phone, internet services, TV reception, utilities, a bank account, resident registration, daily necessities and more.

We here at PLAZA HOMES have created easy-to-use English guides with information for expats living in Tokyo to make adapting to life in Japan stress-free. 

Japanese Mobile Phones: Plans, Coverage and Services

From the iPhone to the latest Android devices, Japanese mobile phones are outfitted with the latest technology with designs to suit every taste; whether you want to use them mostly for data exchange, phone calls or something else depends on your needs and lifestyle. Below, we provide a comparison…

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Opening a Bank Account in Japan

You may find it difficult to open a bank account in Japan if you do not speak Japanese however, an increasing number of banks are now offering English-language services and options to open an account online.  Most Japanese banks are open from 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public h…

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Which Is the Easiest Tokyo Subway Ticket Option: Suica or PASMO?

If you live in Tokyo, you know that the public transportation system is second to none. Subways, trains, and buses run on time from very early in the morning to late in the evening. And where a congested highway can take two or more hours to get from point A to B, the public system can often get y…

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Buying, Leasing, and Renting a Car in Japan

Getting around Japan, let alone Tokyo, can be a daunting task for the unprepared. Trains are wonderfully efficient and timely in Japan, but there are some things that Japan's public transportation system simply cannot accomplish. Have you ever tried to help a friend move their fantastic armoire by…

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