Closest 'ASIJ' bus stop is for 'Last-pick', 6 minutes away from the property. Front desk service by bilingual staffs. 24 hours security service. Enticing combination of house-like lifestyle and residential complex's convenience.
Address | Uehara, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo |
Transportation | Chiyoda Line, Yoyogi-uehara Station : 6 min. walk Odakyu-Odawara Line, Higashi-kitazawa Station : 4 min. walk |
Facilities | Auto-locking Entry, 24-hour Management , Concierge Service |
Structure | Reinforced Concrete Structure 5 stories |
Completion | March, 2003 |
Other | International School Info.: Near Bus stop of ASIJ School Bus Earthquake Protection: Seismic Isolation Structure |
If you are interested in this property, please feel free to contact us via phone, inquiry form, or email.
Available Rental Apartments & Houses in Tokyo.
From the nearest station, 5 min. to Shinjuku, 7 min. to Shibuya, and within 20 min. to Otemachi; great access to major business districts.
American School in Japan (ASIJ) school bus last pick-up / first drop-off points are near by.
Facility: Fitness room, Kid's room, Kid's garden, Party room, roof terrace.
Hotel-like bilingual front desk service.
Units are 3BR - 5BR, spacious plans for families.
Large balcony / roof terrace with each units, you will feel like you are living in a house; very relaxing and cozy.