Emergency Telephone Numbers in Japan

List of Emergency Telephone Numbers in Tokyo.

It is important to know where to seek assistance in the event of an emergency. Our list contains emergency telephone numbers for police, fire department, ambulance as well as other nationwide and local services in Tokyo that can provide assistance in English language for the international community. It also includes important telephone numbers for services such as medical information, mental health, emergency assistance, counseling for foreign residents, etc.



24 hours a day

English-speaking operator available 24 hours a day

Fire Department


24 hours a day

English-speaking operator available 24 hours a day



24 hours a day

English-speaking operator available 24 hours a day

Coast Guard (Sea Rescue)


24 hours a day

English-speaking operator available 24 hours a day

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Safety Consultation Center


Weekdays 8:30-17:15

Consultation for foreign residents

Tokyo Fire Dept.


24 hours a day

Emergency Telephone Consultation Center. Information Service (Can introduce hospitals, etc.)

Tokyo English Life Line (Tell Life Line)



"Tell Life Line is not just for those who may have suicidal thoughts and intentions. Whatever is troubling you, we are here to listen. No one needs to struggle alone. Reach out and call us, our Lifeline Support Workers are here for you."

Tell Community Counseling Service TCCS


Call for appointment (Weekdays 11:00-16:00)

TELL Counseling provides confidential and comprehensive mental health services for the increasingly diverse international community in Japan.



24 Hours a day

24-hour non-profit nationwide emergency assistance service for the international community.

TMG* Foreign Residents Advisory Center


Weekdays 9:30 - 12:00, 13:00-17:00

Consultation and a counseling service for foreign people living in Tokyo.

Himawari (Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Service)

Medical Information Service
Languages: English/Chinese/Korean/Spanish/Thai


Everyday 9:00 - 20:00

Tokyo Gas - For Emergency

Exclusive phone number for reporting gas leakages


03-6735-8899 (if your phone doesn't connect to the 0570 number)

24 Hours

Tokyo Gas - Customer Center


03-3344-9100 (if your phone doesn't connect to the 0570 number)

Monday-Saturday: 9:00-19:00, Sunday& Holidays: 9:00-17:00

Tokyo Electric Power Company - Customer Communication

Please check the link above to find the contact info that is related to your inquiry.

Bureau of Waterworks Tokyo Metropolitan
Government (For Tokyo 23 wards)

03-5326-1100 Change of Address or Contract Type

03-5326-1101 Charges, Water Leaks and Repairs, and Other Inquiries

Monday-Saturday: 8:30-20:00

Emergency repairs (such as leaks) are supported 24 hours a day.